Friday, April 13, 2007

Battle Scars

Got me some battle scars from work last night. Kid assaulted me for no apparent reason (I've known this kid a while and he's never been aggressive toward me. We've always gotten along great). Grabbed my neck to choke me, grabbed my face, kicking, etc.

Anyway, got some images. Not too bad, but I usually don't sustain injuries from work.

He got my left eye and cheek from grabbing at my face.

This must have happened when he grabbed my neck or when we took him down.

I don't get paid enough.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

All Moved

I'm actually writing this from my own computer at my new apartment.  The phone line was live as of this morning and the DSL will be set up this evening.  So even though I'm doing this via dialup, it's a step up from having to go to the library for internet.