This has been a murderously long week. . . so far. 67 hours crammed into 5 workdays. That's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and tomorrow. Today I'm actually off.
We had tickets to a preview showing of "Unaccompanied Minors" on Tuesday. Both myself and Scott were under the impression that I would be taking the boys to this movie. Unbeknownst to us, our other two co-workers had planned that the one would come in at 6pm and take them to the movie. Now, both Scott and I knew that with these things we should have left at 5:30 to be at the theater at 6pm. The movie was to start at 7pm, but you're not guaranteed a seat. I've seen plenty of people in the past turned away because they arrived later on. So I had the boys all ready to go at 5:30 when one of our co-workers stopped me and informed me that our other co-worker was coming in at 6 to take the boys. I was pretty disappointed as I was looking forward to this all week. I had worked from 6-8 in the morning, had four hours off, and come in at noon again in order to work until 11. And this other co-worker is coming in for a couple hours to go have fun with the guys? What is that?
Well, Scott had to leave at 8pm so someone had to relieve him as a few of the boys couldn't go to the movie. That's what I figured the other co-worker was coming in for. In all fairness, it was her day off so she was helping out. But I'm the one working completely insane hours. Don't I deserve some kind of break? Am I just here to be the mean guy who gets the boys up each morning, insisting they actually get up instead of wasting their time lying in bed? When do I get to be the staff they have fun with?
Enough of my rant. On more positive notes, I got to meet Ickey Woods Tuesday morning at our networking breakfast. It seems he's also interested in our business venture--I think he actually signed on after the meeting as well. What's also interesting is that his Ickey Woods Foundation has a very similar mission to Boys Hope Girls Hope. He could be a great contact both personally and for our organization. And Boys Hope Girls Hope could be a good contact for him and his organization as well.
For now, I'm going to enjoy my day off. I'm meeting with my supervisor at St. Joe's (where I still work some hours occasionally) today at 2. Seems they neglected to do an evaluation on me since 2005, so I'll be due a retroactive raise. Good times.
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Christmas Day falls on December 25. It is preceded by Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some countries is followed by Boxing Day on December 26. Some Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on January 7, which corresponds to December 25 on the Julian calendar. December 25 as a birthdate for Jesus is merely traditional, and is not thought to be his actual date of birth.Good luck!
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