Monday, June 19, 2006

D.C. or no D.C.

I got a call today about going on the Washington D.C. trip with Boys Hope. I had to tell them I was really shaky on the possibility of getting the time off from St. Joe's. It's July 24-28, which is over a month away, but July is the prime vacation time and I'm sure there are a lot of staff ahead of me who requested time off. I went ahead and submitted the request this evening, along with a note explaining the situation and the opportunity to take a trip to Washington. I explained that I had just been asked to chaperone tonight, and that's why I didn't submit the request earlier.

Anyway, I'm hoping to be able to go. It also looks like I might be starting my new hours pretty soon, unless of course Boys Hope steals me away from St. Joe's. If they did, it would definitely free me up to go on the Washington trip with them.

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