Monday, January 14, 2008

Thoughts for Monday.

Last night I weighed in. I have officially lost 34 pounds, which means I'm over halfway to my tentative goal.

Work was nice and quiet, although an unusual amount of kids got up in the middle of the night, one waking from a nightmare. The kids didn't have school this morning due to an in-service, but as usual, a few of them wake up early. The first to get up was a girl, who asked if she could go ahead and do her morning hygiene routine. Almost as soon as I told her yes, a little boy (the one I referred to as Sanford in a previous post) popped into his doorway and grinned really big. I said "I knew I'd see you as soon as I let her go." So after giving him a hard time about it, I let him get up as well. Fortunately, it was about 10 minutes before the rest of them started waking up and wanting to come out. In the meantime, "Sanford was getting a bunch of positive attention from staff in the common area. It was cute to watch him having fun just being a little boy instead of being at a peer's throat as has occurred too many mornings. These are the times that make it all worthwhile.

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