Friday, October 26, 2012


I had a little fun with one of the kids at work this morning.

Most nights I take a look at the kids' school reports as they're usually left on the staff desk. They're usually pretty much the same. Some kids almost always bring back 100 percent (behavioral point system) on their school report, while a couple normally have 10 percent.  Anyway, last night, one of the usual 100 percenters--I'll call him "Toby"  here-- not only had 100 percent, but "Student Of The Day" written in big letters across the sheet. Toby is one of the few boys who often gets up to use the restroom during the night, so I was hoping he would last night because I had a plan.

About 4:00 a.m. Toby comes to his bedroom door and asks to go to the bathroom.  When he finished, I called him over to the desk.  With a completely straight face I looked at him and said, "Toby, last night I discovered something you did, and I've got something to say about it."  I paused to let it sink in and let him stew a few seconds.  Then I picked up his school report, showed it to him, and changed my expression to a hearty smile as I said "GREAT JOB, BRO!"

It was fun to watch his face turn to relief and then a big smile in a split second. "You thought you were in trouble for a second, didn't you?" I said.  He said yes.  Then I gave him a pat on the back and said "Go get some good sleep buddy."

I love my job. It's fun when I have a good natured kid I can tease a bit like that without getting him angry.

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